Where Are Alligators Legal as Pets

Some animals are not allowed as pets in Nevada, including: If you want to import a wild animal into Wisconsin, you will need an import permit and a veterinary inspection certificate. There are some rodents that you cannot import unless you get a permit from the Department of Natural Resources. You cannot keep certain native pests as pets, including cougars, black bears, raccoons and bobcats. Wisconsin allows the possession of monkeys, but not chimpanzees as pets. Florida has strict alligator farming laws and inspection protocols, but not all farmers follow the rules. In 2018, the state reported 21 active alligator farms producing legal skins and meat. This list does not include unauthorized farms that illegally breed alligators as pets. (Learn about the largest seizure of illegally captured reptiles to date.) It`s legal to own an alligator without question, in Alaska, Massachusetts, Utah and Virginia — though there may be limits to how much. Anyway, it is possible to do without goldfish in these states and bring home your own swamp monster. No permits are required to own farm or pets, pets, or conventional animals, including but not limited to: New York allows F4 or higher cat hybrids to pets without a license or permit. Nevada has some of the most lax wildlife laws.

You can own primates, elephants, camels, wolves, ostriches, alpacas, zebras, non-domestic cats and many other animals without a permit or license. Prohibited animals include alligators, crocodiles, raccoons, bats, coyotes, moose, venomous snakes and foxes. About half of this room should have a pond deep enough for the animal to fully immerse itself. Due to its immense mass and incredible strength, you need to build the cage from strong materials such as concrete blocks, poured concrete and a chain link fence. Since alligators are often housed outdoors, it is imperative that the crate not only keeps the animal inside, but that you make sure that unauthorized people cannot enter the cage. It is illegal to possess dangerous regulated animals, including: Permits are required for the importation, transportation and possession of wildlife that is illegally possessed. Now, compared to the thousands of dollars people sometimes pay for other pets, this seems like the cheapest option for those looking for the company of animals. It is important to note that alligators prefer fresh foods, especially red meat.

Alligators also need a large pool of water to thrive. Children`s tubs and pools, which are preferred by many pet owners, aren`t good enough, Eschenbrenner says. Buoyancy relieves the weight of an alligator`s internal organs, and if the water is not deep enough for a gator to swim, it can feel pain and even die from the pressure of its own internal weight. Plenty of water helps alligators feel safe and calm in their surroundings, he adds. Wyoming prohibits big game animals (antelope, sheep, deer, moose, moose), trophy game (black bears and grizzly bears and mountain lions) and exotic species (anything not wild or domesticated) as pets. You do not need a permit to keep domestic ferrets, alpacas, camels, chinchillas, llamas, and wolves (if captured in the state). Exotic animals allowed under special handling requirements include: You need permits to keep exotic ferrets, sheep and goats, most parrots, hedgehogs, most geckos and other lizards, and most non-venomous snakes. No permits are required to keep emu, ostriches, llamas, alpacas or rheas as pets. Washington bans certain pets as pets for a variety of reasons. Washington considers some animals too dangerous to keep as pets, including: American alligators living in wetlands in the southern United States were once hunted to the point where experts thought the species would never recover. No permit is required to have wild pets, including: You are allowed to keep the following native wildlife as pets as long as you have a wildlife hobby permit: Raccoon dogs and wild animals in the wild cannot be kept as pets.

Many exotic animals are not allowed to be kept as pets, including: These guys were made for nature and live better there. Nature reserves and zoos are the best captivity an alligator can hope for, but the ideal place is in the wild where it was born. Oregon allows people with disabilities to own service monkeys as pets. If you want to search for prices and sellers, we recommend beware of reptile lovers – a Google search returns many results on where to buy alligator meat. The California Agency of Natural Resources has banned most wildlife, including seals, bighorn sheep and hawks, from being kept in California in the same way as pets. You are also prohibited from keeping all non-native dogs and cats, elephants, crocodiles and more. The exceptions to this law are cattle, alpacas, llamas and camels. Washington does not list allowed exotic animals, but does list prohibited pets. Some states don`t explicitly include alligators in their wildlife private property laws, though many prohibit private ownership of non-native animals (like Idaho, where we`re pretty sure alligators aren`t native). These conditions, which are supposed to prohibit the private ownership of alligators, are as follows: Although only some are visible, alligators have up to 80 teeth in their mouths at a time.

When teeth wear out, they are replaced with new ones. During the life of an alligator, it can pass through 3,000 teeth. Maryland allows certain animals to be kept as pets without a permit, including: Because many people keep alligators illegally, animals lack routine veterinary care. As a result, serious health problems can remain uncontrolled for years. In Massachusetts, wild animals cannot be kept as pets. According to the state, wild animals are undomesticated animals such as bears, big cats, wild dogs, and primates. You do not need a permit to own ferrets, some turtles and geckos, pigeons, emus, chinchillas, sugar gliders, American bison or llamas. To keep venomous snakes or Gila monsters, you need a permit. Wooden rattlesnakes and eastern copper heads can only be kept as pets if they are legally taken from the wild and require a venomous snake license. Pet owners are limited to a wooden rattlesnake. In 2007, Washington state laws were changed to prevent dangerous animals from being kept as pets.

This list includes bears, wolves, big cats, alligators, elephants, primates and poisonous snakes. You can keep ferrets and llamas without permission. Some species of pets can be kept without a permit, although the number of pets may be limited, including: Alligators have federal protection in the United States. But the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service allows states to implement their own management and control programs, so laws regarding ownership vary from state to state. Check with your state`s Department of Wildlife or Natural Resources to find out if alligators are legal pets in your state and if permits are required. You`ll also need to check if your city and county allow exotic animals like alligators and other crocodiles. Expect regular, perhaps unannounced, inspections from all agencies from which you need to obtain authorization. Although many cities in New Mexico have much stricter exotic animal laws than at the state level, some animals are prohibited as pets in the state of New Mexico, including: 7. The sex of baby alligators is determined by the temperature of the eggs According to Florida`s administrative code, Class I animals are illegal.

and Class II animals require a permit. Class I animals include bears, big cats, rhinos, crocodiles, chimpanzees and more.