Data Cleanse

Detecting and correcting inaccurate records, avoid inconsistency and incompleteness 

If your company’s database is like that of most of its counterparts, it contains enough dirty data to significantly clog up your system and negatively impact your bottom line. Dirty data consists of duplicates, blank or missing values, and fields that are simply incorrect because of misspellings and outdated or incomplete information. With data coming in from a variety of sources such as email lists and field events as well as constant interference with your data by numerous sales and support staff.

Getting Your Data Clean and Keeping It That Way

Using a series of adaptive rules designed to create automatic data cleansing based on precise stipulations of your choosing, Alert-On thoroughly cleans your data. Furthermore, it monitors your data for real time changes and cleans it automatically.

Here’s what it does

  • Fills in missing values such as city, state, and country
  • Corrects capitalization
  • Corrects mistakes in web and email addresses

Imagine saying goodbye forever to VLOOKUP, spreadsheets, macros, and trying to navigate cumbersome filters rife with errors in order to produce necessary reports.

Make Normalized Data
the New Normal

Each data provider has their own individual formatting, and these quirks are the culprits when it comes to the creation of dirty data. Examples include formatting that automates whether a country is specified by a two-digit code or a spelled-out name and the use of size ranges or exact numbers. Normalizing incoming data to weed out errors caused by these quirks can take hours even by expert-level Excel users. Alert-On can be programed to configure data using customized “data recipes.” Alert-On can easily:

  • Normalize incoming telephone numbers per individual country formats
  • Standardize company names
  • Standardize state and country values even when double-byte characters and local languages are a part of the picture

Remove Your Duplicates

Duplications in data result in ineffective attribution models and make your lead scoring next to useless as well as create an embarrassing and counterproductive situation in which multiple salespeople are contacting the same accounts. Alert-On eliminates duplicate data as a matter of course and leaves you with clean, correct data.
Alert-On can also:

  • Identify duplicates by using a process called “fuzzy matching”
  • Provide customized configuration per your company’s individual needs
  • Merge leads to ensure correct information transitions to new records
  • Provide manual or automated reviews of all recommended changes

Match Leads and Contacts to Key Accounts

Alert-On uses data recipes that are pre-configured to ensure that lead generation is being optimized to produce best results.
Here’s how it happens:

  • Complex algorithms match leads to the right accounts
  • User-generated coverage maps show leads delivered by job level and function.

Another important difference between Alert-On and other systems is that Alert-On doesn’t have black boxes, which provides you with a clear view of exactly what’s happening in your database so that you can make any instant changes that are necessary to match the unique business processes of your particular company.